United in Mission

“The work of NFCYM challenges people from all walks of life to unite and mold a culture that raises young people as the Church of now. They create the patterns and models for effective ministry with young people. They also walk amongst and with young people as role models and servant leaders.”

Archbishop Nelson Perez, Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Donate Today!

NFCYM exists to accompany those who accompany young people.

NFCYM invites you to empower young people to be missionary disciples through strengthening those who accompany them. Be a part of the tapestry by donating to NFCYM.

Your donation helps provide webinar opportunities for continual training, support for ministers in both pastoral and professional capacities, NCYC scholarships, and more! By donating to NFCYM, you are joining a community of individuals who share your commitment to Catholic youth ministry. 

You can make a difference to empower our young people across the country with your one-time or monthly donation! 

Thank you for joining us on this journey of faith and unity.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in You.

Yazmín Maní Malone

Pastoral Juvenil Hispana Coordinator,
Diocese of Austin

Diocesan Member

"NFCYM has accompanied me in reaching out to like minded professionals to better provide service (ministry) to adolescents. NFCYM has allowed me to network and grow professionally.

'Youth as Protagonists' has been essential to Pastoral Juvenil Hispana in the Diocese of Austin."

Eva P. Delgado

Youth Minister, St. Christopher Church

Associate Member

"The various resources have helped me keep our program exciting and vibrant. NFCYM has provided me with shared information via webinars, workshops, conferences, outreach, and opportunities that are very informative to help make my ministry successful.

NFCYM is an open forum for me to seek material, guidance and support in keeping the youth ministry program successful."